Catching Up

As awful as this accident has been, it has actually given me a lot of opportunities to catch up with some old friends, and acquaintances. It has been really nice to hear from friends from back home, from college, graduate school, marathon training, triathlon training, Fitness Plus, and PA school. I am incredibly lucky to have people in my life who are constantly, or regularly checking in on me, but I have also felt incredibly lucky for the occasional check ins from people I haven’t heard from in a long time. I am by no means recommending a life altering bicycle accident for anyone, but if I am trying to see the positive outcomes of this event, this is definitely one of them.

Over the weekend I finished a scarf for a friend’s 30th birthday. It was nice to be able to go out and celebrate with her as well as to see some of my regular friends outside of my house. I am enjoying getting outside of my home a bit. On Sunday I had lunch with two good friends from PA school. Kelly moved to Atlanta for a job after graduation, and it was great catching up with her and Whitney.

After lunch I wasn’t feeling very well and I decided to try to lay down on the couch. I haven’t been on the couch since before my accident, and Kelty took full advantage, and tucked right in beside me. Unfortunately, later Sunday night I did get sick right before I went to bed which unfortunately led to the decision to sleep in my CTO brace on the chance I would have to get up in the middle of the night. Although uncomfortable, it is nice to know I can sleep in the CTO if necessary. Fortunately I didn’t have to get up during the night and I woke up feeling better.

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I miss this girl!

Scarf #6 for Amy

Scarf #6 for Amy

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I have missed Kelty cuddles

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